If you're a self-published author, one of your main goals is to get your book in front of as many readers as possible. One way to do this is by optimizing your book's metadata, including the keywords you use when publishing on Amazon through Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).
Amazon KDP provides seven backend keyword boxes for authors to fill in when uploading their book. These keywords play a crucial role in helping readers find your book when searching on Amazon. By using the right keywords, you can significantly improve your book's ranking and searchability, and ultimately increase your book's sales and your income.
Below I would like to provide a step-by-step guide and the order of priority when it comes to keywords and my tips on how to correctly fill in the Seven KDP Backend Keywords.
A WARNING before I start regarding Keyword Stuffing:
What is Keyword Stuffing? Keyword stuffing is the practice of overusing or excessively repeating specific keywords or phrases in your titles or subtitles, with the goal of manipulating search engine rankings (eg. Amazon) to improve the visibility of your book. This technique makes the title or subtitle unnatural and difficult to read. Therefore, it is essential to use keywords in a natural way that enhances the quality and relevance of the content for both the search engines and your customers on Amazon and other bookstores.
1. Keyword Priority #1 - Start With Your Main Keywords in Your Title: Your book's title should include your most important keyword(s). For example, if your book is about gardening tips, your title should include the keyword "gardening."
2. Keyword Priority #2 - Add Keywords to Your Subtitle: If your book has a subtitle, use it to include additional keywords related to your book's topic. The keywords included should flow. Eg. The Complete A-Z Guide on Building Raised Garden Beds’.
3. Keyword Priority #3 – The 7 Backend Keywords: Use specific relevant keywords that you were unable to include in your Title or Subtitle. The more specific and relevant your keywords, the better. Avoid using generic keywords and focus on keywords that describe your book's content or genre and that customers may be typing in the search bar when looking for a particular book.
4. Consider Your Audience: Think about the words your target audience would use to search for a book like yours. Use those keywords in your backend keyword boxes.
5. Don't Repeat Keywords: Amazon advises NOT to repeat the same keyword in multiple backend boxes. You are just wasting precious keywords as they 'mix and match' the keyword across all 7 Keyword boxes. Make sure you're using unique keywords in each box.
6. Use All Seven Backend Keyword Boxes: Take advantage of all seven backend keyword boxes that Amazon KDP provides. As mentioned above, use them to include any important keywords you couldn't include in your title or subtitle.
7. Character Count: Amazon limits the number of characters you can use in each backend keyword box. Make sure you're using your characters wisely.
By following these steps, you can ensure that you're using the most effective keywords for your book. Remember that the keywords you use impacts your book's searchability and your overall ranking (BSR) based on your book sales on Amazon. Take the time to research and choose your keywords carefully!

For more tips on correctly filling in the KDP backend keywords, check out one of my older (yet still very relevant) YouTube videos titled "How to Correctly Fill in the 7 KDP Backend Keywords For IMPROVED Visibility and Ranking’ as I complete a ‘deep-dive’ into specific platforms I use to locate the best keywords for the 7 boxes when uploading to KDP. https://youtu.be/-WoljtCJlis

Wishing you the very best with your publishing.
Kind Regards,
Romney Nelson is an international Best-Selling Author and Best-Selling Course Instructor on Udemy. Romney is the Founder of Global Self-Publishing, where he is committed to empowering individuals with the tools and resources to Self-Publish.
Visit all of Romney’s Best-Selling Udemy Courses on Self-Publishing here:
Grab Yourself a FREE Copy of ‘Self-Publishing on KDP – All the Tools You Need’: http://bit.ly/42ar7wC
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